Ideas worth spreading
Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
Being an avid computer gamer I was compelled to watch this video. Jane McGonigal is a video game designer with an extraordinary story. She has turned life into game to overcome suicidal thoughts. An extreme concussion left her thinking the worst thoughts possible. Jane's game turns out to be science. The phenomenon is called "Post Traumatic Growth".
In a nation filled with "Post Traumatic Stress" this study is key.
She has also discovered that people don't need to have a traumatic experience to play and benefit from her game. She also states that games can combat the top 5 regrets from people on their death bed. I was intrigued on how my gaming can make my life so full. I know there is a major part of society that think gaming is taboo and harmful, but you cannot ignore the science behind games.
Her game "Super Better" is very straight forward and might even be common sense. They are things we do every day without thinking, but if you are treating it as a game you are more likely to do it more often and reap the benefits.
I'm not sure a game can add 10 years to your life, but I do see what she is saying. People in life just want to be happy. Playing games most of the time brings happiness, especially if you get to do them with the people you love.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great concept. As long as it works for her, the more power to her. And if it can work for others, even better. I am not a hard core games, but I do know that when I am mentally stressed over work or school, sitting down and playing a mindless game tends to relieve the stress and I feel much better.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a gamer, but if the stats she presented are true, I'm dusting off my Xbox(the first model) I had to abandon when I got married and start playing again. If my better half disagrees with it I'l let her view this. THANKS!